【双语灵修】说诚实话Speak Truthfully


“所以,你们要弃绝谎言,各人与邻舍说实话,因为我们是互相为肢体。” - 弗 4:25


在布基纳法索,对别人说“不”是很难的,因为这被视为不尊重他人。因此,“是”可以是 “是”,也可以是“不是”;只有回答的人才知道“是”的意思。所以,即使实际上是“不是”,我们也要说“是”。然而,我们必须学会在爱里说 “不”。当别人说“不”时,我们也要学会接受。否则,人际关系就会变得不真实和虚伪,因为我们无法给对方明确的答案。






马太福音 5:33-37


Speak Truthfully

"Each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor. . . ." - Ephesians 4:25

英语音频 English Audio

Our readings for today instruct us to be honest with the people in our lives. Jesus speaks about this in terms of keeping oaths, and Paul urges us to speak truthfully. These teachings remind me of two situations in my context.

In Burkina Faso, it is not easy to say “no” to others because that is seen as showing disrespect. So a “yes” can mean yes or no; only the person answering knows what the “yes” means. So we say “yes” even if it is actually no. But instead we must learn to say “no” with love. We must also learn to accept it when another person says “no.” Otherwise, relationships become unreal and hypocritical because we are not able to provide clear answers to each other.

Similarly, we have what we call “African time.” This means that people can arrive between fifteen minutes to an hour after the agreed time without any problem. This may seem like a blessing and relief to someone who is hurried and stressed, but it frustrates and disadvantages people who are punctual.

If we hide the truth from others, that is lying. In other situations, we might also be ashamed of our actions, so we might try to cover them up with lies. But telling the truth means giving correct information, keeping our word, fulfilling obligations, and being punctual. It means not making promises we cannot keep.

How can you “speak truthfully” to the people in your culture and life today?


Lord, we want to be people of truth. Help us to be honest with you, ourselves, and others. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
