【双语灵修】神是锚God, the Anchor

“要坚守我们所承认的指望,不至摇动。因为那应许我们的是信实的。” ― 来 10:23

在二十世纪中叶,有一个名叫Albert Goodson的音乐家写了一首歌,歌名是 “We've Come This Far by Faith(凭信进深)”。这首歌很快就流行起来,因为它提醒信徒要坚定盼望神的应许,祂应许永不离开,也不忘记祂的儿女。纵使困境似乎接踵而来,跟随基督的人,知道神赐下的信心带领了他们到达现在身处之地,这信心将会继续带领他们走过一切。





希伯来书 10:19-25


God, the Anchor

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful." -Hebrews 10:23

In the mid-20th century a musician named Albert Goodson wrote a song titled "We've Come This Far by Faith." It soon became popular because it reminded believers to hold on steadfastly to the hope of God's promises never to leave or forget about his children. Even when it may seem that hard times are stacked against them, followers of Christ can know that God's gift of faith has brought them where they are and will carry them through.

As humans living in a world that is broken by sin, we are all vulnerable to hurt, pain, sadness, and loss. Many—if not all—of us have experienced the trials of life and have been bruised by them. As Christians, we know that we live in between the fallen nature of this world, which is merely a shadow of things yet to come, and the fullness of life in a world that will one day be fully restored. As the body of Christ, we eagerly await the fullness of life, and in the meantime we continue to lean on the Lord, unmoved by the trials and temptations of life.

Ultimately we rely on the Word of God as our source of life. And in hope we can join together, encouraging one another and building each other up as we journey through life in faith.


Steadfast Savior, thank you for your faithfulness each day. May we, as your children and image bearers, continue to represent you in our homes, classrooms, careers, and communities as we trust in you and your Word. Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
