【双语灵修】神是仁慈的赐与者God, the Gracious Giver

“各人要 … 彼此服事,作神百般恩赐的好管家。” ― 彼前 4:10


我们彼此的关系有一个共通点,就是我们所有的交往都是充满恩典(grace)的。Grace 这个字有几个定义,但在这里,我给它下的定义是:“不基于功劳而得到的尊重和礼待”。换句话说,它牵涉怜悯和仁爱,这些质素比任何其他东西更为重要。




彼得前书 4:8-11


God, the Gracious Giver

"Each of you should . . . serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." - 1 Peter 4:10

英语音频 English Audio

I recently met up with a group of friends I've known for many years. During our meal together we laughed at some funny stories and sympathized with some difficult ones, and at the end of the evening we hugged each other before going our separate ways. We are all grateful for one another, having been there for each other through both joys and sorrows.

A common thread in the fabric of our relationship is that grace abounds in all the interactions we have with one another. The term grace has several definitions, but in this situation I would define it as "a courteous goodwill that is unmerited." In other words, it involves compassion and kindness over anything else.

Now, it should be said that even though grace abounds in our group of friends, that doesn't mean we don't disagree with one another at times. Yet no matter how challenging a disagreement can get, our friendship remains because grace continues to lead the way.


Gracious Father, thank you for the abounding grace you provide in our lives through your forgiveness in Jesus Christ. Help us to extend that grace to others, whether they be close friends or new acquaintances. Transform us into a people who lead with grace each and every day. For Jesus' sake, Amen.

诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
