
「要等候耶和华!当壮胆,坚固你的心!我再说,要等候耶和华!」-诗 27:14







诗篇 27篇
1耶和华是我的亮光,是我的拯救,我还怕谁呢?耶和华是我性命的保障,我还惧谁呢?2 那作恶的,就是我的仇敌,前来吃我肉的时候,就绊跌仆倒。3 虽有军兵安营攻击我,我的心也不害怕;虽然兴起刀兵攻击我,我必仍旧安稳。4有一件事,我曾求耶和华,我仍要寻求,就是一生一世住在耶和华的殿中,瞻仰他的荣美,在他的殿里求问。5 因为我遭遇患难,他必暗暗地保守我,在他亭子里,把我藏在他帐幕的隐密处,将我高举在盘石上。6 现在我得以昂首,高过四面的仇敌。我要在他的帐幕里欢然献祭,我要唱诗,歌颂耶和华。7 耶和华啊,我用声音呼吁的时候,求你垂听,并求你怜恤我,应允我。8 你说:「你们当寻求我的面。」那时我心向你说:「耶和华啊,你的面我正要寻求。」9 不要向我掩面,不要发怒赶逐仆人,你向来是帮助我的。救我的神啊,不要丢掉我,也不要离弃我!10 我父母离弃我,耶和华必收留我。11 耶和华啊,求你将你的道指教我,因我仇敌的缘故引导我走平坦的路。12 求你不要把我交给敌人,遂其所愿,因为妄作见证的和口吐凶言的起来攻击我。13我若不信在活人之地得见耶和华的恩惠,就早已丧胆了。14 要等候耶和华!当壮胆,坚固你的心!我再说,要等候耶和华!


“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” - Psalm 27:14

Today’s Scripture reading describes how the psalmist has faced real threats from wicked people, enemies, armies, oppressors, and false witnesses—all bent on destroying him. The psalm includes bold declarations about not fearing those foes, and it offers pleading prayers for God’s protection as opponents come near.

I have found that my experience of God’s peace can change from one circumstance to the next as well. There are moments of bold faith when I am not frightened. I believe God and am ready to follow wherever he leads. Then there are times when I feel doubts overtaking my faith, and I find myself begging God to save me. In situations like that, the threats can seem bigger and more powerful than God.

This back-and-forth movement is part of our faith journey. We recognize that if the certainty of our peace with God and our salvation depends on us, we will fall short. In Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection, God secures us from all that threatens, and we are strengthened for the life of faith that God calls us into.

During the Advent season, we learn to wait in confidence, not denying our struggles but leaning into the peace that is ours through Jesus Christ, who secures us in God’s light and salvation.


God, thank you for making our salvation secure in Jesus Christ. Help us to wait with confident hope that even when the world seems gathered against us, you will not forsake us. Amen.
诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
