「从那时候,耶稣就传起道来,说:『天国近了,你们应当悔改!』」-太 4:17
马太福音 4:12-17
12耶稣听见约翰下了监,就退到加利利去; 13后又离开拿撒勒,往迦百农去,就住在那里。那地方靠海,在西布伦和拿弗他利的边界上。14 这是要应验先知以赛亚的话说:15「西布伦地、拿弗他利地,就是沿海的路,约旦河外,外邦人的加利利地, 16 那坐在黑暗里的百姓看见了大光,坐在死荫之地的人有光发现照着他们。17 从那时候,耶稣就传起道来,说:「天国近了,你们应当悔改!」
“From that time on Jesus began to preach, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.’” - Matthew 4:17
Our Scripture reading today includes a quote from Isaiah that we considered earlier: God’s light will dawn on the people who live in darkness, ushering them into new life in God’s kingdom (Dec. 12). That promise is fulfilled in Jesus and is cause for great joy!
The context of this passage gives us even more reason for joy. Jesus leaned into Isaiah’s prophecy in response to the news of John the Baptist being jailed, showing that John’s ministry of preparing the way for Jesus was now complete. Jesus also moved to a different area to make clear that he was and is the long-awaited fulfillment of God’s promises. He is God’s light of salvation living among us!
Further, Jesus put the first light of dawn from Isaiah into action by preaching that everyone should repent because “the kingdom of God has come near.” No longer is God’s promised salvation off in a distant future. God’s kingdom has come near! After centuries of waiting, God’s light is breaking into the darkness and calling all people into the freedom of God’s kingdom.
As we remember and celebrate Jesus’ birth, that joyful first light of dawn comes to us as well: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near”! Jesus continues to invite us into freedom from the sin and darkness that has overshadowed us.
Jesus, we hear your invitation to repent. Help us to turn away from our sins and from the darkness in order to live in the light of your salvation. Amen.
诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳