【双语灵修】神一直在扶持!CARRIED ALL THE WAY!

「『你们在旷野 … 也曾见耶和华你们的神抚养你们,如同人抚养儿子一般,直等你们来到这地方。』」-申 1:31


记得我曾看过巴塞罗那1992年奥林匹克男子400公尺赛跑半准决赛的重播,当时比赛中的英国选手Jim Redmond的腿受了伤。评述员宣布:「他出局了!」Redmond感到很痛苦,他跑不动了,但他仍然用一只脚朝着终点向前跳。看到他没有放弃,观众都为他欢呼打气。Redmond不肯接受任何人的帮助,直至他爸爸跑进跑道,以手臂环绕着他为止。Redmond的爸爸当时戴着一顶帽,上面写着「想做就做」的口号。可是Redmond的腿实在太痛了,禁不住哭起来。然而,群众仍继续欢呼为他打气,而父亲掺扶着儿子,直至到达终点为止。




申命记 1:26-33


惊恐,也不要怕他们。在你们前面行的耶和华你们的神必为你们争战,正如他在埃及和旷野,在你们眼前所行的一样。你们在旷野所行的路上,也曾见耶和华你们的神抚养你们,如同人抚养儿子一般,直等你们来到这地方。』你们在这事上却不信耶和华你们的神! 他在路上,在你们前面行,为你们找安营的地方,夜间在火柱里、日间在云柱里,指示你们所当行的路。


“. . . In the wilderness . . . you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place.” —Deuteronomy 1:31

The picture of a father gently carrying his son is an image of God’s love, power, and protection extended to us as his children. When we cannot go any further, we are drained of our desire to keep going. We feel beat up by life’s circumstances and don’t want to show up anymore.

I remember watching a replay of the 1992 Olympics men’s 400-meter semifinals in Barcelona when British runner Jim Redmond injured his leg. The announcer said, “He’s out!” Redmond was in pain and couldn't run, but he hopped on one foot, heading for the finish line. The crowd cheered because he didn’t stop. He wouldn’t let anyone help him until his dad ran out onto the course and wrapped his arms around him. Redmond’s dad wore a cap that said, “Just Do It.” But Redmond’s pain was too intense, and he cried. Yet the crowd never stopped cheering. The father held his son until he made it to the finish line.

When we’re running our race in life and can’t see our way through, our heavenly Father will gently carry us all the way. There’s no reason to feel shame or guilt. We cannot “just do it.” God will carry us through the wilderness. God is always with us, wherever we are, and he promises us that we will make it through.

Heavenly Father, thank you for carrying me when I can’t “just do it.” I leave my shame and my guilt at Jesus’ feet. In your powerful name, Lord, and by your Spirit, Amen.
