箴言 4:7
“智慧为首,所以要得智慧,在你一切所得之内必得聪明。” -箴 4:7
《箴言》4章7节提醒我们,智慧始于获得理解和洞察力,这包括与他人的交往和沟通中,积极寻求清晰。与其臆测他人的意图或事情的结果,我们应努力事先把期望讲清楚。 基于臆测而仓促下结论,会妨碍人际关系,并导致不必要的冲突。花时间开诚布公地沟通、提问并用心倾听,有助于增进理解和促进和谐。 耶稣──智慧的典范──在祂的教导及与人的互动中,示范了清晰沟通的重要性。祂专注地倾听,提出发人深省的问题,并为寻求指引的人们提供了阐释。 践行对期望的明确性以及减少臆断,需要谦卑和耐心,这包含抛开先入为主的观念,以开放的胸怀和心态去应对各种情况。
"The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding." - Proverbs 4:7
I’m thankful to have learned the valuable lesson of clarifying expectations with others and reducing assumptions that often lead to misunderstandings. It’s a process rooted in wisdom and insight.
Proverbs 4:7 reminds us that wisdom begins with gaining understanding and insight. This includes actively seeking clarity in our interactions and communications with others. Rather than assuming intentions or outcomes, we should strive to clarify expectations up front.
Jumping to conclusions based on assumptions can hinder relationships and lead to unnecessary conflicts. Taking the time to communicate openly, ask questions, and listen attentively fosters understanding and promotes harmony.
Jesus, the epitome of wisdom, demonstrated the importance of clear communication in his teachings and interactions. He listened intently, asked probing questions, and offered clarity to people seeking guidance.
Practicing clarity in expectations and reducing assumptions requires humility and patience. It involves setting aside preconceived notions and approaching situations with an open mind and heart.
Heavenly Father, teach us the importance of clarity and understanding in our daily interactions. Help us to communicate openly, seek clarity in expectations, and reduce assumptions. Strengthen our relationships and promote harmony through wise communication. In Jesus’ name, Amen.