【双语灵修】知识的恩赐 Gifts Of Knowing


【双语灵修】知识的恩赐 Gifts Of Knowing

“这人蒙圣灵赐他智慧的言语。那人也蒙这位圣灵赐他知识的言语。” - 林前 12:8


例如,圣灵启示西面在“未死以前,必看见主所立的基督。”(路 2:26)。而耶稣出生时,祂的母亲马利亚和丈夫约瑟把祂带到圣殿,西面亲眼看见了孩童基督。然后西面用智慧的话说出祝福的话,并预言了马利亚的未来(路 2:28-35)。

保罗在第一次宣教旅程时,得到了辨别诸灵的恩赐。每当福音——耶稣的好消息被传到一个新的地方,圣灵往往会以强大而神奇的方式工作。这是因为那些地区往往受到邪恶势力的影响,想要抵制神的道被传播。在塞浦路斯,保罗遇到了一个叫以吕马的人,他是一个巫师和假先知。保罗斥责以吕马说:“你这… 魔鬼的儿子,众善的仇敌,你混乱主的正道还不止住吗?”(徒 13:10)。然后,保罗说以吕马会瞎眼一段时间,以吕马立刻就看不见了。这一切都发生在一个想要听神话语的军官眼前——“他看见所作的事,很稀奇主的道,就信了”(徒 13:12)。



哥林多前书 12:1-11


Gifts Of Knowing

"To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge. . . ." - 1 Corinthians 12:8

In the distribution of spiritual gifts, the Spirit of God pours out knowledge and gives wisdom and discernment for the use of that knowledge.

For example, the Holy Spirit revealed to Simeon "that he would not die before he had seen the Lord's Messiah" (Luke 2:26). And when Jesus was born and his parents, Mary and Joseph, brought him to the temple, Simeon saw the Christ child with his own eyes. Then Simeon used words of wisdom to say a blessing and to prophesy about Mary's future (Luke 2:28-35).

Paul received a gift of discernment of spirits when he was on his first missionary journey. The Holy Spirit sometimes works in powerful and miraculous ways when the gospel, the good news of Jesus, is being introduced in a new area. That's because those areas tend to be influenced by evil powers that want to resist the spread of God's Word. On Cyprus Paul met a man named Elymas who was a sorcerer and a false prophet. Rebuking Elymas, Paul said, "You are a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right! . . . Will you never stop perverting the right ways of the Lord?" (Acts 13:10). Then Paul said Elymas would be blinded for a time, and immediately Elymas couldn't see. All of this took place in front of a military commander who had wanted to hear the Word of God—and "when he saw what had happened, he believed, for he was amazed about the teaching of the Lord" (Acts 13:12).


Spirit of God, we ask for knowledge, wisdom, and discernment so that we can represent you wisely. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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