【双语灵修】言语的恩赐 Gifts Of Speaking

“或说预言,就当照着信心的程度说预言。” - 罗 12:6
例如,先知摩西为百姓领受了神的律法,好使百姓能够学习它,并教导他们的孩子,为日常生活提供指南(见申 6:4-9)。
以赛亚领受了一些预言,这些预言在许多年后得到了应验,但神也让以赛亚敦促百姓:“从我眼前除掉你们的恶行。要止住作恶,学习行善。寻求公平,解救受欺压的”(赛 1:16-17)。这些话今天也仍然适用于我们。
使徒保罗也提到了说方言和翻方言的恩赐。这些恩赐不像预言那样常见,但有时圣灵会将它们赐给祂的百姓,以戏剧性的方式将神的话带给他们。保罗解释说,方言是圣灵用来使不信的人相信祂的大能的一种标记,而预言是为信徒准备的(林前 14:22)。保罗在哥林多前书第14章中详细讨论了这些恩赐,他建议说,如果有人要在敬拜聚会中公开说方言,也应该有一个会翻该方言的人在场,这样大家就可以因所说的话得到祝福。

罗马书 12:4-8; 哥林多前书 14:1-4
Gifts Of Speaking
"If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith." - Romans 12:6
The gift of prophecy involves speaking God's Word in a specific situation. Although prophecy is sometimes about a future event, it is usually a preached word or teaching that God wants his people to hear and apply to their lives in the present.
For example, the prophet Moses received the law of God for his people so that the people could learn it and teach it to their children for daily living (see Deuteronomy 6:4-9).
Isaiah received some prophecies that were fulfilled many years later, but God also told Isaiah to urge the people, "Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong. Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed" (Isaiah 1:16-17). These words still apply to us today also.
The apostle Paul also mentions the gifts of tongues and of interpreting tongues. These gifts are less common than prophecy, but sometimes the Spirit gives them to his people to bring the Word of God in a dramatic way. Paul explains that tongues are a sign that the Spirit uses to convince unbelievers of his power, and that prophecy is intended for believers (1 Corinthians 14:22). Paul discusses these gifts in detail in 1 Corinthians 14, and he advises that if someone is going to speak in tongues in a worship gathering, a person who can interpret should also be there, so that everyone may be blessed by what is said.
The Spirit can call on us to speak his Word. When he does that, we must speak faithfully so that others can glorify God.
Spirit, guide us to speak so that people can hear your truth and grow to know your love. Amen.
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