【双语灵修】信心 - 慷慨捐助 Faith—Giving Generously

他自己不足的资源中,这位在基督里的弟兄慷慨地送礼物给我 - 甚至是超过了他的力量。

【双语灵修】信心 - 慷慨捐助 Faith—Giving Generously

“〔他们〕仍有满足的快乐;在极穷之间,还格外显出他们乐捐的厚恩。我可以证明他们是按着力量,而且也过了力量。” - 林后 8:2-3


然而,在他再来时的那个早上,他手中拿着的不是锄地的工具,他拿着的乃是一只鸡 - 是活生生的鸡!他用尼日利亚的豪萨语与我对话,他的意思是:“先生,这是送给你的礼物。谢谢你给我一份工作,请你收下这只鸡。”

我想像那只鸡 - 小小的一群鸡当中的一只,在院子里啄食地上的残羹剩饭和小草的情景。我也可以想像到,我们的邻居吩咐他的儿子去捕捉那只鸡,让他带来我们家中。尽管他没有多余的鸡,但他却站在我家门口 - 拿着这唯一的一只鸡送给我们。

多么有爱心!多么慷慨!从他自己不足的资源中,这位在基督里的弟兄慷慨地送礼物给我 - 甚至是超过了他的力量,他就像那些付诸行动以爱心捐献的马其顿人。他的慷慨令我谦卑下来 - 甚至感到有点不安!何等大的恩惠啊!



哥林多后书 8:1-9


Faith—Giving Generously

"Their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability." - 2 Corinthians 8:2-3

A Nigerian neighbor came knocking at our door. He had come a couple of weeks earlier too. At that time he had pleaded for a job that would bring him some needed cash to support his family. The task I gave him was beneficial but not essential. Every morning, with digging tools in hand, he was there, smoothing out some rough places in our yard and making them plain.

But on the morning when he came again, it wasn't digging tools he had in hand. It was a chicken—a live one! In the Hausa language he said something like, "For you, sir. Thank you for giving me a job to do. I want you to have this chicken."

I pictured that chicken—one of a tiny flock picking up scraps of food and blades of grass on the compound. I could picture our neighbor telling his son to catch that chicken so that he could bring it to our home. He didn't have chickens to spare, but there he stood—with a chicken to give to us.

How gracious! How generous! Out of his own meager resources, this brother in Christ generously gave—even beyond his ability. He was like the Macedonians, who embodied the grace of giving. I was humbled by his generosity—and even troubled! Such grace!


Lord, you have richly and graciously blessed us. Please give us a spirit of joy and gladness that gratefully blesses others in our giving. In Christ, Amen.

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