【双语灵修】信心 - 行过幽谷 Faith—Through The Valley


【双语灵修】信心 - 行过幽谷 Faith—Through The Valley

“我虽然行过死荫的幽谷,也不怕遭害,因为你与我同在;你的杖,你的竿,都安慰我。” - 诗 23:4

我在探访一位快要离世的年老牧师,他仍然保持他一贯的温和与幽默感,然而他的身体状况却毫不乐观。这位成熟的教会领袖认定使徒保罗所说的:“我离世的时候到了”(提摩太后书 4:6)。尽管他已经失去年青时的活力和精神,然而他的年纪和经历带给他的智慧,令人乐于与他相处。


当我们把注意力集中在第4节时,他考查我:“在这节经文中,你知道那一个字是最重要的吗?”我回答说:“你告诉我吧 - 是那一个字呢?”





诗篇 23


Faith—Through The Valley

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." - Psalm 23:4

As I visited an elderly pastor near the end of his life, he maintained his warm sense of humor, but his situation wasn't humorous. The experienced church leader acknowledged what the apostle Paul had said: "The time for my departure is near" (2 Timothy 4:6). He had lost the strength and vigor of his youth, but his years and experience had brought a wisdom that made being with him a treat.

As his chaplain, I had many contacts with this seasoned pastor. Mostly I listened, happy to be his student even in ministering to him. On this visit our discussion moved, not surprisingly, to Psalm 23.

As we zeroed in on verse 4, he questioned me: "Do you know what the most important word in that text is?" And I said, "You tell me—what is it?"

His answer was "The word through." Then he explained: "It doesn't say that we go into the valley, but that we go through the valley. The Lord, our shepherd, leads us through the valley. He gets us to the other side, where we 'will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.'"

A beautiful, comforting pastoral word. Our resurrected Lord knows the way through the valley of the shadow of death, and because he is with us, we need not fear. Receive it; believe it: Jesus, our Shepherd, leads us through the valley.


Thank you, Good Shepherd, for leading us through the valley, all the way home. Amen.


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