【双语灵修】特别的荣耀 A Special Glory


【双语灵修】特别的荣耀 A Special Glory

“你叫他〔世人〕比天使微小一点,并赐他荣耀为冠冕。” - 诗 8:5


然而,世人除了身份微小之外,事实上还有很多其他的特别之处。诗篇8篇说,神造我们比天使微小一点,衪更赐给我们特别的荣耀和尊贵。尽管我们不是天使,但神却委派我们治理大地和所有的生物;当我们这样做时,我们便能像广阔无限的宇宙那样彰显神的荣耀了 。

希伯来书把诗篇8篇所说的应用在耶稣身上,它说:“耶稣暂时比天使小”(希伯来书 2:9),是什么意思呢?耶稣成为一个人,衪虽然与父神共享永远的荣耀,然而祂却放下了那荣耀、成为我们中间一个人,成为一个像我们那样微小的人。




诗篇 8


A Special Glory

"You have made [human beings] a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor." - Psalm 8:5

Psalm 8 celebrates the glory of God. Take a look at the night sky, says this psalm. Moon, stars, galaxies. Vast beyond imagining! It all reflects the glory of God. And it reminds us how small we are. Not that we need a reminder. Lose your job, and you feel small. Fail at marriage, and you feel puny. Fall into depression, and you feel like nothing at all.

But there is more to being human than being small. Psalm 8 says that God made us just a little lower than the angels, and that God has given us special glory and honor. We may not be angels, but God has appointed us to care for the earth and all its creatures. And when we do that, we reflect the glory of God—like the vast universe does.

The book of Hebrews applies Psalm 8 to Jesus. It says, "Jesus was made lower than the angels for a little while" (Hebrews 2:9). The point? Jesus was made a human being. Jesus shared the eternal glory of God the Father. But he left that glory behind to become one of us, to become small right along with us.

So Jesus knows what it's like to feel puny. He knows what it's like to feel like nothing at all. But he also knows the special glory of being human. Imagine that.


Jesus, you gave up so much to become a human being. And you made being human more glorious than ever. Amen.


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