【双语灵修】已找到答案了 The Answer To The Search


【双语灵修】已找到答案了 The Answer To The Search

“〔我们的大祭司〕也曾凡事受过试探,与我们一样;只是他没有犯罪。” - 来 4:15


第一个入选的人是挪亚。他被形容为“义人,在当时的世代是个完全人”(创世记 6:9);可是,挪亚最终和其他人差不多,他的心也是有可能偏向邪恶的。大卫是另一个候选人,他被形容为“合〔神〕心意的人”(撒母耳记上 13:14);但是,大卫的所作所为与其他君王的表现也是相似,他也犯了一连串的罪。

这样深究实在令人泄气,以致诗篇 53篇也得到这个结论:“没有行善的,连一个也没有!”(第3节)。这个结论一直没有改变,直到神从天上往下望看到耶稣为止。

耶稣确实是个义人,以至无可指责。耶稣以神的心为心,由始至终,衪的一生都蒙神的喜悦。我们天天都犯罪,做我们不应该做的事 - 有时做那些连我们自己也不想做的事。然而耶稣却没有犯罪,连一次也没有,衪从来没有犯过罪。

第欧根尼是在主前4世纪拿着灯在寻人,如果他能多等400年,便会找见他在寻找的人 - 那人也正是神一直在寻找的。



诗篇 53:1-3


"We have [a high priest] who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin." - Hebrews 4:15

The philosopher Diogenes carried a lamp wherever he went, looking for an honest person. In the Bible, God conducts a similar search, looking for a good person.

First up, Noah. He is described as "a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time" (Genesis 6:9). But Noah turns out to be pretty much like everyone else, with a heart that inclines to evil. Another candidate is David. He is described as "a man after [God's] own heart" (1 Samuel 13:14). But David behaves pretty much like every other king, with a string of crimes on his record.

It's a frustrating search, leading Psalm 53 to conclude: "There is no one who does good, not even one" (v. 3). And that conclusion never changes. Not until God looks down from heaven and sees Jesus.

Jesus is truly righteous, blameless even. Jesus shares God's heart, and he lives a life that pleases God from beginning to end. We all sin every day, doing things we shouldn't do—sometimes things we don't even want to do. But Jesus did not sin. Not once. Not ever.

Diogenes carried his lamp in the fourth century B.C. If only he could have waited about 400 years. He would have found what he was looking for—and what God was looking for too.


Holy Jesus, the search is over. You are everything God wants. You are everything we need. You are wonderful in every way. Amen.


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