【双语灵修】合而为一 One Is The Number


【双语灵修】合而为一 One Is The Number

“‘〔我〕也为那些因他们的话信我的人祈求,使他们都合而为一。’” - 约 17:20-21


当耶稣招聚教会时,衪祈祷我们成为一群子民、一个家庭;有一天,衪的祈祷将要实现,那时神的子民将会成为“许多的人,没有人能数过来,是从各国、各族、各民、各方来的”(启示录 7:9)。不过,现今的教会仍然是破碎的,耶稣的祈求尚未实现,然而我们却看见了希望的证据,并且有梦想成真的愿景在我们眼前闪现。

我是西密歇根州一所不寻常的教会的牧者,我们的会友活在两个不同的世界;他们有些是已被定罪的罪犯,他们分别住在几个州政府监狱里,被围墙和栅栏所困,然而有很多其他的会友住在监狱以外,住在“一般人”住的地方。每个星期,我们聚集一起,我们是一个教会,我们祷告、我们研习、我们敬拜、我们聊天、我们分享故事 - 因为我们同属耶稣,我们也彼此相爱。




诗篇 133


One Is The Number

"I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one. . . ." - John 17:20-21

Psalm 133 expresses a beautiful but often disappointed hope. It says, "How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity." If only. Truth is, many of us struggle even to hold our families together! Old Testament Israel was the same way. They were twelve tribes who made up one family. But they fell apart and never came back together. The hope of the psalm crumbled.

When Jesus gathers the church, he prays that we will be one people, one family. Someday his prayer will be fulfilled, when the people of God become "a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language" (Revelation 7:9). But for now the church is broken. The prayer is unfulfilled. Yet there are signs of hope, flashes of beauty.

I am the pastor of an unusual church in West Michigan. Our members live in two different worlds. Many are convicted felons. They live behind the walls and fences of several state prisons. But many other members live on the outside, in the "ordinary" world. Every week we gather together as one church. We pray, we study, we worship, we visit, we share stories—because we belong to Jesus together, and we love each other.

Jesus brings our church together. He may bring your family together too. Ask him.


Jesus, we're sorry for all the brokenness in the church and in our families. Please heal us. Please make us whole. For the glory of God, Amen.


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