【双语灵修】完全认识 Fully Known


【双语灵修】完全认识 Fully Known

“〔伊利沙伯对马利亚〕高声喊着说:‘你在妇女中是有福的!你所怀的胎也是有福的!’” - 路 1:42

诗篇 139篇颂扬神与人个别的亲密关系。试想像一下 - 神完全认识你,神知道每一件会令你心碎的事,也知道每一件能使你兴奋的事,多么奇妙啊!神当然也知道你自私的白日梦和隐秘的欲念,多么令人战兢惧怕的事啊!难怪这篇诗篇以这句话结束:“看在我里面有什么恶行没有,引导我走永生的道路”(24节)。


然而,如果“我在母腹中,你已覆庇我”这句话是耶稣说的,这篇诗篇就具有更奥妙的意义了。试想想 - 圣灵要荫庇童女马利亚,神的儿子便在她腹中成形了,多么密切的关系!那位赐生命给马利亚的,现在要从马利亚而生,那位在马利亚还未出生便已经爱她的,如今在衪未出生前已被马利亚所爱。




诗篇 139:13-18


Fully Known

"[Elizabeth] exclaimed [to Mary]: 'Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear!'" - Luke 1:42

Psalm 139 celebrates the intimacy of God's connection with an individual human being. Just imagine—God knows you completely. God knows everything that can break your heart, and everything that can make your heart skip a beat. How wonderful! Of course, God also knows your selfish daydreams and dark desires. How scary! No wonder the psalm ends like this: "See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting" (v. 24).

God's intimate connection with you stretches back to the time before you were born, to the time before you were even conceived. God knows you completely: from start to finish, from top to bottom, inside and out. And God loves you completely. How wonderful!

But the psalm takes on more meaning when Jesus says the words "You knit me together in my mother's womb." Just imagine—the Holy Spirit overshadows the virgin Mary, and the Son of God begins to take shape within her. Talk about intimacy! The One who gave life to Mary is now receiving life from Mary. The One who loved Mary before she was born is now loved by Mary before he is born.

Mary is blessed, blessed among all women, to receive the gift of this child. And the child is blessed, blessed among all children, to receive the gift of life through this mother.


Holy Lord Jesus, it's such a gift to be known by you and loved by you. I want to know you in return, and to love you forever. Amen.


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