【双语灵修】饥渴慕义的人 Hunger


【双语灵修】饥渴慕义的人 Hunger

“饥渴慕义的人有福了,因为他们必得饱足。” - 太 5:6






马太福音 5:6



"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." - Matthew 5:6

When was the last time you were hungry? Not just “I could eat something” hungry, but really, actually in need of something to eat? Maybe it happened while you were on a long trip. Or maybe you had just finished a long workday. Maybe you had no money left for food. Whatever the case, you know there is a big difference between wanting some food and really needing it because you are hungry.

Jesus says we are blessed when we hunger and thirst for righteousness, when our longing for God’s will is more than just an interest—it’s a consuming desire. Hungering and thirsting for righteousness means we are desperate to see sin uprooted, and we are longing for justice to win. It means we don’t excuse our wrongdoing or try to shrug off the world’s problems, but instead we give all we have to make the world more like the kingdom of God.

Then, says Jesus, we can look forward to being filled, because God will be faithful in making things right. He might not give us the house of our dreams or a big promotion, but he will bring justice and righteousness to every inch of his creation. If that’s what we truly care about, we can’t help being satisfied as we partner with God in his work in this world.


Father, help me to make justice and righteousness the greatest priorities in my life, and empower me to be your partner in the work of renewing all things. Amen.


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