【双语灵修】不是每个人 Not Everyone


【双语灵修】不是每个人 Not Everyone

“凡称呼我‘主啊,主啊’的人,不能都进天国….” - 太 7:21


宽大的门和宽阔的路上充满了拒绝神和偏行己路的人(太 6:13)。但这条路上也有一些人,他们认为自己与主的关系完全没问题——从表面看,他们似乎所做一切皆是正确的事。但结果可能是,他们自己实际上一直远离基督。


最重要的事情是认识耶稣,并被耶稣所认识。这意味着我们把生命放在祂手里,把我们自己的安排放下,这样我们就可以诚实地说:“不要成就我的意思,只要成就你的意思”(路加福音 22:42)。试图从远远地追随耶稣的人有可能被祂拒绝,因为祂要求我们全心全意,紧紧跟随。




马太福音 7:21-23


Not Everyone

"Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven. . . ." - Matthew 7:21

Out of the entire Sermon on the Mount, this might be the most challenging of Jesus’ teachings.

The wide gate and the broad road are full of people who have rejected God and have gone their own way (Matthew 6:13). But there are also people on that road who think they are right with the Lord—people who, from the outside, appear to be doing all the right things. But it can turn out that they’ve actually been far from Christ all along.

The most important thing about us isn’t how many times we have gone to church. It’s not how much money we have given or how often we have volunteered. We’re not saved because we avoid R-rated movies or do not steal.

Instead, the most important thing is knowing, and being known by, Jesus. This means losing our lives in him and putting our agenda aside so that we can honestly say, “Not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42). People who try to follow Jesus from a distance risk his rejection because he demands our whole hearts and our whole selves.

If that doesn’t make you a little nervous, it should. Jesus is calling everyone, both in and outside of the church, to do some self-examination: Is my faith genuine? Am I on the right path? Do I really know him? And does he really know me?


Father, I place my whole life in your hands. Help me to know you, and to be known by you. Show me where I may be holding back, and help me to serve you wholeheartedly in all I do. Amen.


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