【双语灵修】谁是我的家人? Who Is My Family?


【双语灵修】谁是我的家人? Who Is My Family?

“就四面观看那周围坐着的人,说:‘看哪!我的母亲,我的弟兄。’” - 可 3:34



耶稣指出跟从衪的人便是衪的家人,此处重点不是要轻看衪的原生家庭,乃是要表达信徒之间的连系是极其重要的。神的旨意是要衪的子民成为一个群体、加强彼此的信心、与喜乐的人同乐、和与哀哭的人同哭(罗马书 12:15)。作为跟从基督的人,我们若清楚表明我们“彼此相爱”(约翰福音 13:35),这就是我们在世人面前的见证了。

我们的原生家庭有时会令我们失望、泼我们冷水、甚至不理会我们。然而,神却呼召我们加入一个更紧密和更宽广的网络 - 一同成为神的大家庭。当我们彼此相爱、互相支持、寻求神的旨意和一起作工时,我们就是在效法耶稣的榜样,在爱护我们主内弟兄姊妹了。




马可福音 3:31-35


Who Is My Family?

“He looked at those seated in a circle around him and said, ‘Here are my mother and my brothers!’” - Mark 3:34

In the church I grew up in, we used to sing, “I’m so glad I’m a part of the family of God.” This song was special to me because our extended family lived more than 1,000 miles away, and we shared most of our life and ministry with our brothers and sisters (and uncles and aunts) in Christ.

In today’s Bible reading, we find Jesus sharing life and ministry with the people in his closest circle, the ones who believed in him and gave up everything to follow him. Together they were doing the will of God the Father. They were Jesus’ spiritual family.

The point of Jesus’ naming his followers as family was not to dismiss the importance of his biological relatives but to show that the connection with fellow believers was vitally important. God wills for his people to be in community, to strengthen one another in faith, to rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn (Romans 12:15). Our witness to the world as Christ-followers can be that we clearly “love one another” (John 13:35).

Sometimes our biological families disappoint, discourage, or dismiss us. But God calls us to a higher and wider network—to be the family of God together. When we love and support one another, seeking to do God’s will and work together, we follow Jesus’ example of cherishing our spiritual brothers and sisters.



Lord, give us your eyes to see and your heart to love all who are walking in faith along with us. May our love for you unite us as your family. Amen.


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