【双语灵修】在耶稣脚前 At The Feet Of Jesus

实际中所有罪人 - 都必须从俯伏在耶稣的脚前开始,在那里,不配转化为完全的赦免和恢愎。

【双语灵修】在耶稣脚前 At The Feet Of Jesus

“‘我告诉你,她许多的罪都赦免了,因为她的爱多;但那赦免少的,他的爱就少。’” - 路7:47


其实,这两个罪人 - 实际中所有罪人 - 都必须从俯伏在耶稣的脚前开始,在那里,不配转化为完全的赦免和恢愎。称义不是赚来的,乃是单单本乎恩典才可以得到。

我们教会的庭园设有野餐桌,主日崇拜后会友时常聚在那里喝咖啡 - 只不过在数小时之后 - 附近的青年人也会在那里聚集喝酒或吸毒。作为牧师,我的使命是向这两群人彰显基督的爱,我盼望和祈求有一天,这两群人会一同坐在这些野餐桌上、彼此见证神奇妙的恩典。





路加福音 7:44-50


At The Feet Of Jesus

“I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.” - Luke 7:47

In this story Jesus interacts with two sinners: the smug Pharisee who lacks basic hospitality, and a sorrowful intruder who lavishes him with expensive perfume and penitent tears. One points an accusing finger; the other crumbles to her knees in humility.

The reality is that both sinners—in fact, all sinners—must start at the feet of Jesus, where unworthiness is transformed into complete forgiveness and restoration. Righteousness is not earned but granted by grace alone.

Our church has picnic tables on the patio, where members often gather to drink coffee after a worship service and—sometimes just hours later—local teens gather to drink alcohol or use drugs. My mission as a pastor is to extend Christ’s love to both groups, with the hope and prayer that they might one day sit together at these tables and share their testimonies of God’s amazing grace.

Some Christians can have whitewashed memories of the seriousness of their own sin, while seekers just meeting Jesus may feel not good enough. Jesus invites us all to meet at his feet, where our tears and his love flow freely. From that level, we can help one another up to walk together as fellow followers. No one is better than another, and we all must know of our need for the Savior and want to grow in faith.



Thank you, Lord, for your grace to a wretch like me. May I never be too proud to fall at your feet in humility and gratitude. Amen.


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