【双语灵修】欢迎我们的邻舍 Enfolding Our Neighbors


【双语灵修】欢迎我们的邻舍 Enfolding Our Neighbors

“‘你们要去,使万民作我的门徒,… 给他们施洗。凡我所吩咐你们的,都教训他们遵守。’ - 太 28:19



在升天之前,耶稣吩咐衪的门徒(和我们)去传扬关于衪的故事 - 衪为我们从罪中得释放铺路、使我们靠着神的恩典永远过着丰盛的生命。这个消息是何等美妙,我们实在不能不与别人分享。






马太福音 28:18-20


Enfolding Our Neighbors

“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them . . . and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” - Matthew 28:19

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, I never would have predicted that I would be preaching live on the internet. I would have thought that would be my worst nightmare. But God opened the way for hometown preachers like me to share the good news of Jesus to a world hunkered down by a deadly virus.

But as the months dragged on, viewers dwindled. Surveys show that most people come to know Christ through personal interaction with others whose faith and actions are appealing and consistent.

Before returning to heaven, Jesus instructed his disciples (and us) to spread the story about him—how he paved the way for us to be set free from sin and to live fully and forever by God’s grace. This news is too good not to share.

My brother-in-law who is Muslim, my manicurist who is Buddhist, my oncologist who is New Age, and my friends who are turned off by “evangelical Christians” are all watching and listening to me. Your neighbors are watching and listening to you. Is the Jesus living in us someone they want to know? Can Jesus use us to love them into the fold?

As we walk our neighborhoods, go shopping, get haircuts, attend sporting events, and go to church, let us speak freely about Jesus’ saving grace.



We don’t feel worthy to represent you, Jesus, but your Spirit empowers us for this awesome task. Help us to live in a way that draws others to find life in you. Amen.


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