


“‘你从水中经过,我必与你同在;你蹚过江河,水必不漫过你。’” - 赛 43:2


在以赛亚书43章,我们看到神在形容一个类似的境况。主引领我们经过生命中势不可挡的水流。对我们而言,前方道路是从未走过和危险重重的,然而神却来到我们身旁来消除我们的担忧。衪不是像水流那样淡然无情 — 衪甚至也不像例行公事来引导船只的领航员。神提名向我们保证:“你是属我的。”主以温柔怜恤待我们,衪在我们的挣扎中花时间陪伴我们。神不但知道我们前面的路,衪更认识走在这条路上的我们。

耶稣常常与我们同在(马太福音 28:20)。衪是以马内利,“神与我们同在”(马太福音 1:23)。我们不会孤单,我们的主和救主继续在带领和引导我们,这是基督教信仰中意义深邃的真理。如果你感到你的生命正沉溺在大水中,请记着耶稣是与你同在的,就让衪成为你的盼望吧。



以赛亚书 43:1-4


I Will Be With You

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you." - Isaiah 43:2

In most seaports there are special pilots that join with an incoming ship to guide it into port. These harbor pilots know the unseen obstacles under the water, as well as the currents and other details of the local port. The ship’s crew needs the harbor pilot with them on board so that they can respond immediately if there is danger ahead.

In Isaiah 43 we find a similar description from God. The Lord guides us through the overwhelming waters of life. The way ahead is unexplored and dangerous to us, but God comes alongside to reassure us. He is not impersonal, like the waters—or even like a pilot who guides a ship because it is his job. God calls us by name, and he assures us, “You are mine.” The Lord shows us tender compassion, spending time with us in the midst of our struggles. God not only knows the way; he also knows us as we travel it.

Jesus is with us always (Matthew 28:20). He is Immanuel, “God with us” (Matthew 1:23). It is a profound truth of the Christian faith that we are not alone but that our Lord and Savior continues to lead and guide us. If you feel like you are in the deep waters of life, know that Jesus is with you and let him be your hope.


Lord God and Father of all, thank you for guiding us in this life. We are in your hands; we are your people. We marvel at the truth that Jesus gave himself to die and rise again for us. Amen.


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