【双语灵修】扫灭的暴风 A Driving Wind Swirling Down

“耶和华的忿怒好像暴风已经发出;是扫灭的暴风,必转到恶人的头上。” - 耶 30:23
那么,神会怎样复兴祂的子民呢?“耶和华的 … 暴风”将要发出,像就“扫灭的暴风,必转到恶人的头上。”神的大能足以摧毁邪恶。百姓需要神来拯救他们脱离苦待他们之人的重轭。

耶利米书 30:18-24
A Driving Wind Swirling Down
"The storm of the Lord will burst out in wrath, a driving wind swirling down on the heads of the wicked." - Jeremiah 30:23
On nautical maps, an important feature is the “wind rose,” a graphic image used by meteorologists to show how wind speed and direction are typically distributed in a certain place. This tool can be very useful to mariners for avoiding trouble spots at sea.
In some ways, this passage in Jeremiah 30 is like a “wind rose.” It helps God’s people see how the Lord was going to act in order to restore them. You see, at this time in history, God’s people were in exile for rebelling against God. They had followed after other gods and had refused to honor the Lord, who had made them into a great nation. So God had disciplined them by sending them into exile.
Sadly, though, their conquerors had brutally enslaved them and carried them away after destroying their land. And when God’s people cried out in their distress, the Lord heard them.
So how would God act to restore his people? “The storm of the Lord” would burst out like “a driving wind swirling down on the heads of the wicked.” God is powerful enough to overwhelm evil. The people needed God to save them from this enemy that had exploited them.
Explaining all this, God promised to bring them honor again, saying, “So you will be my people, and I will be your God.”
Lord and God, your power is greater than any other. Thank you for being merciful and just. Help us to honor you above all and to serve you faithfully. Amen.

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