【双语灵修】人子来,乃是要服事 The Son Of Man Came To Serve


【双语灵修】人子来,乃是要服事 The Son Of Man Came To Serve


“因为人子来,并不是要受人的服事,乃是要服事人,并且要舍命,作多人的赎价。” - 可 10:45




我们是天父的儿女,是耶稣的门徒;耶稣没有把荣耀看作是理所当然,强抓不放(出自圣经标准译本,译者注),反而谦卑地死在十字架上(腓 2:5-11)。因着祂的缘故,我们献上自己作为活祭,使神的名和国度得以彰显。



马可福音 10:41-45


The Son Of Man Came To Serve

“Even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” - Mark 10:45

Jesus is speaking in broad terms as he describes what people in power can be like. They can intimidate, bully, threaten, and seek to control. In contrast, Jesus says, we are called to live differently. We must not follow the way of the world with its structures of privilege, race, class, gender, culture, influence, politics, or religious elitism. Jesus says we are to be servants, following his example. He came not to be served but to serve and “to give his life as a ransom for many.”

All our relationships—parent-child, wife-husband, pastor-congregation, teacher-student—need to be refreshed from tendencies to control and manipulate. Instead the focus should be on serving others, helping people to flourish, and empowering everyone to honor, worship, and follow Christ.

Are you a servant in the example of Christ in your circles of influence? In what ways are you serving others as a neighbor, friend, spouse, parent, family member, teacher, or church member?

We are children of the heavenly Father and disciples of Jesus, who did not consider glory a thing to be grasped, but who humbled himself to die on a cross (Philippians 2:5-11). Because of Jesus, we offer ourselves as living sacrifices so that the name and kingdom of God are made known.


Lord, make me a servant in the example of Christ. Help me to follow Jesus faithfully, reflecting your love and goodness for all to see. Amen.


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