【双语灵修】在复活上与祂联合 A Resurrection Like His


【双语灵修】在复活上与祂联合 A Resurrection Like His


“我们若在他死的形状上与他联合,也要在他复活的形状上与他联合。” - 罗 6:5



关于基督的死和复活的一个重要真理是,靠着相信神拯救我们的大能,我们已经向旧的生命中的罪死了,与基督一同受洗进入祂的死,又与祂一同复活,靠圣灵的能力 “有新生的样式”。在耶稣的受死中,我们的罪债已经被偿还了,在祂的复活中,我们被圣灵引导着过一种圣洁的生活,一种感恩的生活。




罗马书 6:1-7


A Resurrection Like His

“If we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his.” - Romans 6:5

When I have a cold or the flu, I am more aware of my body than I usually am. Symptoms such as coughs, fevers, aches, and chills cannot be ignored. Sickness makes me aware of what’s wrong, and it makes me long for healing.

When we are honest with ourselves, we can see that sin is still present in our lives. We are tempted to sin, and we often fall into it and need to ask for forgiveness. And when we think about eternal life, we imagine a future when our lives will be sin-free. But there is more. In Christ, we are already being made new!

An important truth about Christ’s death and resurrection is that by believing in God’s power to save us, we die to our old life of sin, we are baptized with Christ into his death, and we are raised with him to “live a new life” by the power of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ death our sins have been paid for, and in his resurrection we are led by the Spirit to live a forgiven life, a grateful life.

We are not stuck in a spiritual waiting room suffering from spiritual sickness. We are already receiving the necessary healing that allows us, in God’s strength, to resist sin and to live in gratitude, sharing God’s love with others. In Christ’s death we have died to sin, and by his resurrection we are being made new.


Lord Jesus, help me to see that your death and resurrection take my sin away and give me new life. I want to live more fully for you, knowing my sin is defeated and I am being made new. Amen.


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