【双语灵修】不朽坏的身体 An Imperishable Body


【双语灵修】不朽坏的身体 An Imperishable Body


“死人复活也是这样。所种的是必朽坏的,复活的是不朽坏的。” - 林前 15:42



在《启示录》中我们读到,当耶稣再来时,将不再有死亡、哀伤、痛苦和眼泪,生命树将在生命水的河边生长(启 21-22章)。太奇妙了!




哥林多前书 15:42-44


An Imperishable Body

“With the resurrection of the dead . . . the body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable. . . ”. - 1 Corinthians 15:42

A curious by-product of all the precautions during the COVID-19 pandemic was that colds and flu didn’t spread as much as in earlier years. With more people staying home, those common diseases couldn’t spread so widely. Even so, many, many people got sick with COVID-19, and many of us know someone who died from it.

Ultimately the final answer to our physical struggles—such as pain, sickness, brokenness, death, body-image issues, and more—will be realized in the resurrection. Our present bodies are perishable, imperfect, weak, and limited—but because of Jesus, all who believe in him will one day be raised to a new capacity as imperishable, glorious, powerful, and spiritual.

In the book of Revelation we read that when Jesus comes again, there will be no more death or mourning or pain or tears, and the tree of life will grow by the river of the water of life (Revelation 21-22). Amazing!

All of these things will be good for us, and we will enjoy life to the full—but really the main point in all this is to give greater glory to God. The resurrection of Jesus, which brings the promise of our own resurrection, shows us what God is doing to make all things new again so that all things, our bodies included, can more wonderfully declare the glory of God!


Dear Jesus, fill our hearts with the hope of living life fully with you in eternity, so that in all things we may reflect and give glory to God! Thank you. Amen.


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