【双语灵修】救主耶稣 Jesus, The Savior

“‘你要给他起名叫耶稣,因他要将自己的百姓从罪恶里救出来。” - 太 1:21
在希腊文中耶稣这个名字,正是希伯来文中的约书亚,而约书亚就是上帝拣选带领以色列民进入应许之地的人(约书亚记 1章)。在希伯来文中,约书亚这个名字的意思是“上帝是拯救”,对于这位带领以色列民离开旷野的流荡生活、进到上帝应许之地的人来说,这个名字实在非常合适。在上帝伟大的故事中,约书亚的一生都指向另一位更伟大的人物。
人世间很多事物都承诺要让你得释放,然而圣经却清楚指出,认识上帝只有一条途径-就是藉着衪的儿子耶稣(约翰福音 14:6)。你相信衪吗?你信靠衪吗?衪的名字是“救主”或“主拯救”的意思。这个名字显明,耶稣就是上帝的拯救。

马太福音 1:18-25
25只是没有和她同房,等她生了儿子 ,就给他起名叫耶稣。
Jesus, The Savior
“You are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” - Matthew 1:21
Have you ever wondered why your parents chose your name? Maybe they named you after a family member. Perhaps they named you after a person in the Bible. Or maybe they chose your name because they liked the way it sounded.
When Mary was about to give birth, she and Joseph didn’t have a choice. Through an angel, God commanded them to name the child Jesus.
The name Jesus is Greek for the Hebrew name Joshua, whom God chose to lead Israel into the promised land (Joshua 1). The Hebrew name Joshua means “God is deliverance,” and that was a fitting name for the man who led Israel out of their wandering in the wilderness and into the land God had promised them. And in God’s great story, the life of Joshua points toward an even greater figure.
When we say, with the Apostles’ Creed, “I believe in Jesus,” we affirm that God’s Son, Jesus, is our salvation. God’s own Son rescues us from the dark pit of our sin into the light and spacious peace of knowing and resting in God.
So many things promise deliverance in this life. Yet the Bible states clearly that there is only one way to know God—and that is through his Son, Jesus (John 14:6). Do you believe in him? Do you trust in him? His name means “Savior,” or “the Lord saves,” revealing that Jesus is God’s deliverance.
Jesus, name above all names, you have washed away our sins and made us right with God. Help us to follow and serve you in all we do. Amen.

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