【双语灵修】降临审判 Coming To Judge


【双语灵修】降临审判 Coming To Judge


“‘那时,他们要看见人子有大能力,大荣耀,驾云降临。’” - 可 13:26



藉着祂在十架上的牺牲,跟随衪的人已经得救,对他们来说,耶稣再来的那日将会是一个大喜的日子,因为死亡和阴间的咒诅已完全被挪去了(罗马书 8章)。


基督徒们或许不完全同意关于基督再来的各项细节,然而我们肯定同意我们应该怎样为祂而活。耶稣呼召我们忠心跟随衪,天天向自己死,好叫我们能够与祂的圣灵的步调一致,并且为荣耀神而善用我们的恩赐、奉衪的名多结果子(约翰福音 15:1-17;加拉太书 5:22-26)。故此,我们便需要向每一个人彰耀上帝的爱,与主同工来实现祂愿万人信祂而得救的异象。



马可福音 13:24-27

26那时,他们 要看见人子有大能力、大荣耀驾云降临。
27他要差遣天使,把他的选民从四方 ,从地极直到天边,都招聚了来。

Coming To Judge

“At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.” - Mark 13:26

The details about Jesus’ second coming are mysterious, and there are differing interpretations of some of the Bible’s statements about end times and the return of Christ. But in teaching about Christ’s return, the Apostles’ Creed simply states this bold biblical truth: “He will come to judge the living and the dead.”

Someday Jesus will return from heaven. He didn’t say when this will be, but he did say that he will return “with great power and glory” for all to see.

Jesus’ coming again will be a day of great joy for all his followers, who have been redeemed through his sacrifice on the cross. For them the whole curse of death and hell has been removed (Romans 8).

But Jesus’ return will also be a day of great trembling because, as the Bible warns, he will judge once and for all the people who have rejected him.

Though believers in Christ may not agree on all the details of his return, we certainly can agree on how we should live for him. Jesus calls us to follow him faithfully, dying daily to ourselves so that we can walk in step with his Spirit, using our gifts for God’s glory and bearing fruit in his name (John 15:1-17; Galatians 5:22-26). This involves showing God’s love to everyone and sharing his desire that everyone believe in him.


Lord Jesus, we long for your return, when all will be made new. While we wait, help us to serve and love others for your sake in this world. Amen.


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