【双语灵修】身体复活 Resurrection Of The Body


【双语灵修】身体复活 Resurrection Of The Body


“这必朽坏的既变成不朽坏的,这必死的既变成不死的,那时经上所记‘死被得胜吞灭’的话就应验了。” - 林前 15:54


有些宗教乐于接受死亡就是从身体的“牢笼”中被释放出来的理念。然而,根据圣经所说的,上帝造我们是有灵魂和身体的;此外,祂造我们的身体是奇妙的(诗篇 139:14)。所以,当死亡把灵魂和身体分开,我们已经不再是上帝造我们时的样子。我们在使徒信经中说:“我信身体复活”,就是这个原因。






哥林多前书 15:50-54

53这必朽坏的总要变成 不朽坏的,这必死的总要变成不死的。

Resurrection Of The Body

“When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.” - 1 Corinthians 15:54

While we are alive, our spirits are united with our bodies. When we die, our spirits depart, and our lifeless bodies return to the earth. Is that the final destiny for our bodies?

Some religions welcome death as a release from the “prison” of the body. But, according to the Bible, God made us to have both souls and bodies; moreover, he made our bodies good (Psalm 139:14). So when the two are separated by death, we cease to be as God made us. For that reason, we say, with the Apostles’ Creed, “I believe in the resurrection of the body.”

How can that be? Our bodies are vulnerable and frail. They break down and eventually just give out. Yet our bodies remain integral to who we are as God has made us. Without our bodies, we are no longer fully ourselves.

For all of us who believe in Christ, we can take great comfort that when we die, our souls will immediately be with Jesus. And when Jesus returns, our bodies and souls will be reunited. Then we will again be fully ourselves.

On that day, though, our bodies will no longer be frail and mortal. Death will be conquered, and we will have “glorified” bodies, just like Jesus’ body at his resurrection.


Lord Jesus, thank you for our bodies, fearfully and wonderfully made. Help us to treat them with care and respect while we wait to share with you the fullness of resurrection life. Amen.


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