【双语灵修】奇妙作为之美 So Many Wonders


【双语灵修】奇妙作为之美 So Many Wonders

“耶和华我的神哪,你所行的奇妙作为和你向我们所怀的意念甚多,没有人能与你相比…” - 诗 40:5 标准译本








诗篇 40:1-5


So Many Wonders

"Many, LORD my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you." - Psalm 40:5

Sometimes we act as if we can fix the problem of sin in our lives. We imagine that if we improve ourselves, we can be free of sin and guilt. We think that if we just work hard enough, our lives will become better. And if our friends and family would just listen to us, our relationships would become better too.

But the problem is too big for us. We cannot save ourselves from the problem of our separation from God. We cannot even stop ourselves from sinning. Only God can do that.

Psalm 40 sings praise to the God who saves us. It sings praise to the God who is strong enough to conquer sin and is gracious enough to do that for us. It sings praise to the God who chose not to stay separated from us but came to save us and restore us to himself.

Psalm 40 sings of a salvation so great that only God could accomplish it. God has loved us in so many ways.

The psalmist says to God, "Were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare." The many wonders God has done to save us are beautiful. Our abundant and beautiful salvation comes from God, the only one who can save us.

God of salvation, I am overwhelmed by the beauty and greatness of your love for us all. Thank you for saving me; I could not save myself. Help me to praise you for the wonders you have done. Amen.


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