【双语灵修】简单但却神圣 Simple But Sacred


【双语灵修】简单但却神圣 Simple But Sacred


“‘这〔饼〕是我的身体,为你们舍的,… 这杯是用我的血所立的新约,…’” - 林前 11:24-25



有些我们参与的节日筵席或盛大庆典 - 例如婚礼或结婚周年纪念日 - 可能有不同的菜品和很多种类的食物。但相比之下,耶稣所设立的主餐显得甚为简单。即使主餐在一所大教堂中举行,它也仅仅包括两个部份 -无酵饼(或威化饼)和葡萄酒(或葡萄汁)。

即便如此,为了解释主餐所投入的笔墨,可能远超过教会历史上用来解释任何其他议题所花费的力量,这种现象是具有充足理由的。主餐确有值得我们去寻索的重要价值 - 并且如果我们知道答案的话,也值得我们去对别人的提问做出解答。

当耶稣说:“这〔饼〕是我的身体,”和“这杯是 … 我的血”时,衪实际的意图是什么呢?我们吃主餐时,耶稣会以怎样的方式临在我们中间呢?耶稣为什么吩咐跟从衪的人要经常领受主餐?主餐究竟为什么如此重要?




哥林多前书 11:23-26


Simple But Sacred

"This [bread] is my body, which is for you. . . . This cup is the new covenant in my blood. . . ." - 1 Corinthians 11:24-25

If you have seen or participated in the Lord's Supper (communion) in a church service, you'll probably remember the pastor breaking bread and pouring wine or juice into a cup.

Take a moment to reflect on these images.

Some of the holiday meals we enjoy, or grand celebrations—such as weddings or anniversaries—might have different courses and many kinds of food. But the Lord's Supper, the Jesus-meal, looks quite simple in comparison. Even if this meal takes place in a great cathedral, it has only two parts—bread (or wafers) and wine (or juice).

Even so, probably more ink has been used to explain this meal than almost any other topic in church history. And there is good reason for that. There are important questions worth asking—and perhaps answering, if we are able.

What did Jesus really mean when he said, "This [bread] is my body," and, "This cup is . . . my blood"? How might Jesus be present with us when we eat this meal? Why did Jesus tell his followers to celebrate this meal regularly? Why does this meal matter at all?

You see, this meal is truly special. In the church we even call it "sacred." Spend some time reflecting and talking with others about some of these questions.


Lord Jesus, your disciples were often puzzled by your words and actions. And, if we are honest, we are sometimes puzzled too. Still, we thank you for this sacred meal. In your name we pray. Amen.


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