【双语灵修】有很多名称的晚餐 A Meal With Many Names

“耶稣接过杯来,祝谢了,… 又拿起饼来,祝谢了 …” - 路 22:17-19
很多人只称这晚餐为主餐(哥林多前书 11:20)。我们这样做,是因为耶稣我们的主、我们的神和我们的君王,把这晚餐赐给我们。有很多基督的跟从者亦称其为“圣餐(communion 相交),”因为在守餐时,他们与主相交并且彼此相交、在基督和神一切的应许中透过信、望和爱,合而为一。
很多基督徒也称这晚餐为“圣餐礼(the Eucharist感恩祭),”它的意思基本上是“感恩。”耶稣和衪的门徒领受这晚餐时,衪为此祝谢。从那时开始,教会一直都为神赐下这晚餐向祂感恩。
初期的基督徒对这晚餐也另有一个名称,他们称它为“爱筵(love feast 或agape feast)”(参看犹大书12节)。有些时候,爱筵意味着人们在领受主餐的同时,也一同享用有较丰富食物的晚餐。他们为什么会使用这个名称?因为它表明耶稣非常爱跟从衪的人,衪甚至愿意受死、为他们战胜罪恶和死亡。

路加福音 22:14-20
A Meal With Many Names
"After taking the cup, he gave thanks. . . . And he took bread, [and] gave thanks. . . ." - Luke 22:17-19
The simple but sacred meal that we call the Lord's Supper has several different names.
Many people simply call this meal the Lord's Supper (1 Corinthians 11:20). We do this because Jesus, our Lord, our God and King, gave us this meal. Many followers of Christ also call this meal "communion" because in this celebration they commune with the Lord and with each other, united in love, faith, and hope in Christ and all of God's promises.
Many Christians also call this meal "the Eucharist," which basically means "thanksgiving." When Jesus celebrated this meal with his disciples, he gave thanks to God for it. And ever since then, the church has given thanks to God for providing this meal.
Early Christians had another name for this meal too, calling it the "love feast" or "agape feast" (see Jude 12). In some cases this may have included a larger fellowship meal along with the celebration of the Lord's Supper. Why did they call it this? Because it showed that Jesus loved his followers so much that he was willing to die to defeat sin and death for them.
At this meal we have the opportunity to say that we love God too. And as we pass the food and drink to each other, we acknowledge that we love (or are trying to love) the people in our church family too.
Lord, we thank you for this meal by which you not only remind us of your love but also call us to experience your love and share it with others. We love you too. Amen.

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