主耶稣时常顾念穷困的人 - 身为基督的跟随者,我们也应当效法祂。

“我弟兄们,你们聚会吃的时候,要彼此等待。” - 林前 11:33
从另一个角度来看,或许保罗是在表达他对教会中穷困的会友特别的关顾。富有的人若吃喝了大部份的饼和酒,穷困和脆弱的人便没有得吃了。保罗在说,那些做这样事的人其实不是在领受主餐。归根究底,主耶稣时常顾念穷困的人 - 身为基督的跟随者,我们也应当效法祂。
所以,来到主的圣餐桌前时,我们必须明白,我们与神有个人的,但却不是私人的关系。我们怎样待教会中“最小的”(马太福音 25:40)肢体,最能够反映出我们与神的关系。我们必须省察,我们教会中是否每一个人都得到了关怀和建立?若有人遭到忽视或不被理会,为了基督身体的缘故,我们应如何去补救呢?
主耶稣,你看顾穷困的人、供应他们的需要、并且扶持他们。惟愿我们 - 你的教会 - 能够反映出你在这方面的性情。奉你的名祈求,阿们。

哥林多前书 11:27-34
Table Manners: The Poor
"My brothers and sisters, when you gather to eat, you should all eat together." - 1 Corinthians 11:33
As we noted yesterday, the apostle Paul was dealing with a major problem in the Corinthian church. Some people were gorging themselves on the communion bread and wine and leaving others with none. Paul explained that when people did this, they were not "discerning the body of Christ."
As believers, we need to reflect well on Jesus' gift of himself to pay for our sins, and we need to share with one another in thanks for all that the Lord has shared with us.
Another way to look at this may be that Paul was also showing particular concern for poorer members of the church. When those who were wealthy consumed most of the bread and wine, the poor, the most vulnerable, were left without. And Paul was saying that the people who were doing that were not participating in the Lord's Supper. After all, the Lord Jesus always showed concern for the poor—and as followers of Christ, so should we.
So when we come to the Lord's table, we must recognize that our relationship with God is personal but never private. How we treat the "least of these" (Matthew 25:40) in our church reflects our relationship with God. We must ask, Is everyone in our church being cared for, and built up? If someone is being ignored or overlooked, how can we make things right, for Jesus' sake?
Lord Jesus, you cared and provided for the poor and built them up. May we, your church, reflect your character. In your name, Amen.

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