【双语灵修】主桌前的敌人 Enemies At The Table
对每一个人来说,在我们还在与祂为敌并且还是罪人的时候、神在基督里已然爱了我们,这个事实(罗马书 5:6-11),实在是给每一个人最好的福音。

“耶稣回答说:‘同我蘸手在盘子里的,就是他要卖我。’” - 太 26:23
耶稣提醒我们,我们与神的关系和我们与人的关系是相互关连的。所以,在我们来到主的圣餐桌前时,我们应该反省我们与神和与我们教会大家庭里的其他人之间的关系 - 甚至包括与教会之外的人的关系。
然而,假若我们与某弟兄或某姊妹有冲突,尽管我们已经尽力去饶恕和/或请求对方饶恕,也未能和解呢?。使徒保罗在罗马书 12:18说:“若是能行,总要尽力与众人和睦。”但是,如果我们与这人的冲突仍未能达成和解,而对方没有兴趣去这样做,我们怎么办呢?若在生命中带着这个破碎的关系,你仍然可以领受主餐吗?一般来说,我认为是可以的 - 如果你真的已经用尽方法来寻求与这人和解、而你又为将来更深的和解留有了余地的话(因为饶恕可能是一个漫长的过程)。
最后请让我们记着,有什么人曾经在耶稣的最后晚餐中出现。耶稣知道,在祂怀着最深切需要的那个时刻,在场的每一个人都可能离祂而去,而其中一个门徒甚至会为了金钱而出卖衪。然而耶稣仍然与他们一起相处、爱他们、邀请他们领受这神圣的晚餐。对每一个人来说,在我们还在与祂为敌并且还是罪人的时候、神在基督里已然爱了我们,这个事实(罗马书 5:6-11),实在是给每一个人最好的福音。

马太福音 26:17-26
Enemies At The Table
"Jesus replied, 'The one who has dipped his hand into the bowl with me will betray me.'" - Matthew 26:23
Jesus reminded us that our relationship with God and our relationships with people are connected. So when we approach the Lord's table, we should be sure to reflect on our relationship with God and with the people in our church family—and beyond.
But what if we are in conflict with a brother or sister, despite our efforts to forgive and/or seek forgiveness? The apostle Paul says in Romans 12:18, "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." But if a conflict with someone is not resolved and they are not interested in forgiveness or reconciliation, what can you do? Can you still participate in the Lord's Supper with this broken relationship in your life? Generally, I think you can—if you truly have done all you can to try to reconcile with the person and you have kept the door open to deeper reconciliation (since forgiveness can be a long process).
After all, let us remember who was present at Jesus' final meal. Jesus knew that everyone there would soon abandon him in his hour of greatest need. And one of those disciples would betray him for money. And yet Jesus remained with them, loved them, and served them this sacred meal. The fact that God in Christ loved each of us while we were yet his enemies and sinners (Romans 5:6-11) is very good news for us all.
Lord, we have sinned against you, and yet you forgive us and feed us. Help us to reflect your grace to others. Amen.

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