【双语灵修】家人的桌子 The Family Table


【双语灵修】家人的桌子 The Family Table


“‘地上的万族,都要因你得福。’” - 创 12:3



所以,当我们来到主的桌前时,我们就是来到主内家人的桌前了。我们教会的大家庭里可能包括一些我们自己不会去拣选的人,就如我们没有权选择我们的原生家庭父家人和我们所有的亲属那样。然而是神拣选了他们 - 和我们 - 成为祂属灵家庭的成员。因此,我们不单属于神,我们也彼此相属。这张属于家人的圣餐桌,是充满了恩典的。



创世记 12:1-3


The Family Table

"All peoples on earth will be blessed through you." - Genesis 12:3

Many years ago a man received a message from God, and God basically adopted this man. Later God gave him the name Abraham, which means "father of many." And yet Abraham had no children. Then God promised to bless Abraham with many children, and somehow, in some way, through Abraham's family, God would bless all the peoples of the earth.

God stayed true to his promises to bless the world's peoples through Abraham, even though Abraham's descendants were quite dysfunctional. And God surprised everyone by keeping his promises through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, a descendant of Abraham. It turns out that Jesus was the Savior not only for God's adopted people but also for all other peoples as well. And by faith, by trusting in Jesus, people from all nations, tribes, and languages can be adopted into God's family.

So when we come to the Lord's table, it is a family table. Just as we do not get to choose our families and all our relatives, there may well be people in our church family whom we might not have chosen. But God chose them—and us—to be a part of his family together. So we belong to God but also to each other. And at this family table there is grace.


Father, thank you for accepting us into your family. Just as you have received us in grace, help us do the same for one another. In Jesus' name, Amen.


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