【双语灵修】国际性晚餐 An International Meal

每当你与其他信徒一起吃饭时 - 或者是在领受主餐时,你可以怎样去尊重和认同教会大家庭中的人不同的文化背景呢?

【双语灵修】国际性晚餐 An International Meal


“列国要在〔神的荣耀〕的光行走,地上的君王必将自己的荣耀归与〔神的城〕。” - 启 21:24



每当你与其他信徒一起吃饭时 - 或者是在领受主餐时,你可以怎样去尊重和认同教会大家庭中的人不同的文化背景呢?例如,用不同种类的饼和果汁或许更能表达我们的欢迎。在我居住的肯尼亚,葡萄汁不甚普遍,所以有时人们会在主餐中用橙子味的饮料!我们也要记着,有些人尚未成为神家的一份子。我们邀请并欢迎每一个人来参与!



启示录 21:22-27


An International Meal

"The nations will walk by [God's glorious] light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into [the city of God]." - Revelation 21:24

Years ago, my wife and I were a part of a church that had a weekly community meal. Anyone and everyone was invited. The variety of different people who showed up simply because there was good food and good fellowship was amazing. Little babies and gray heads, men and women, people in different income brackets, and people from different countries and ethnic backgrounds. Many of these people brought unique meals to share.

This often reminded me of John's beautiful vision of life in the city of God: people from all nations and languages flood into God's renewed city on earth, each one bringing the best of their culture into it, to praise God and to bless others. And because the Spirit of God gives a foretaste of what Christ will do when he returns, I believe we can experience, even now, a bit of what John saw in his vision.

When you gather with other believers for a meal—and perhaps even for the Jesus-meal—are there ways you can honor and identify with the cultures of the people in your church family? For example, different kinds of bread or juice might enrich our sense of welcome. In Kenya, where I live, grape juice is not readily available, so sometimes people have used an orange drink for the Lord's Supper! Also, let's remember folks who are not yet a part of God's family. All are invited to join!


Lord, you have gathered many different people into your body, the church. We praise you in Jesus' name. Amen.


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