【双语灵修】肉身之道 The Human Word


【双语灵修】肉身之道 The Human Word


“道成了肉身….” - 约 1:14






耶稣,你就是神的道,但你又是和我们一样平凡的人。这真是太奇妙了! 耶稣,求你向我们显明做人的真正意义。

约翰福音 1:1-14


The Human Word

"The Word became flesh. . . ." - John 1:14

It sounds simple: "The Word became flesh." In other words, the Word became human, as ordinary as any of us. That sounds simple enough—until we know who the Word is. Then it becomes simply astonishing.

John fills in the blanks for us. He starts with the timeless existence of the Word: "In the beginning was the Word." Then he connects the timeless Word with God: "The Word was with God, and the Word was God." Next John relates the divine Word to creation: "Through him all things were made." But that's not all. The Word is also the source of all human flourishing: "In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind." And the Word is unconquerable: "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

All of this is big-deal stuff. And this amazing, extraordinary Word becomes flesh, becomes Jesus. The timeless, life-giving Creator of all becomes as ordinary as any of us. There's nothing simple about that. And it remains a great mystery.

But here is something especially amazing. When the Word becomes flesh, the glory of God becomes visible in a new way: "The Word became flesh. . . . We have seen his glory. . . ." Just imagine—a human being shining with the glory of God. How wonderful is that?


Jesus, you are the Word of God, and yet you are as ordinary as we are. That is so amazing! Jesus, show us what it really means to be human. Amen.


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