【双语灵修】贫穷的耶稣 Poor Jesus


【双语灵修】贫穷的耶稣 Poor Jesus


“他本来富足,却为你们成了贫穷…” - 林后 8:9


路加描述了一次耶稣全家人一起去耶路撒冷的场景。当时耶稣刚刚降生大概六周。那时马利亚要到圣殿里献上产后的祭物。通常祭物是一只羊和一只斑鸠(或雏鸽)。但马利亚却献上了 “一对斑鸠或两只雏鸽”。其实献什么祭物也没关系,因为对于力量不够献一只羊的家庭,有特别的豁免条例。可见约瑟、马利亚和耶稣的家一定比较贫穷——就是一般意义上的经济贫困。





路加福音 2:22-24


Poor Jesus

"Though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor." - 2 Corinthians 8:9

The apostle Paul says Jesus was rich. Of course. He was God, after all. But it's not that God has a fat bank account or lives on a private island. So perhaps Paul means "rich" in some other way. And when he says Jesus became poor, does that mean "poor" in some other way, some unusual way?

Luke describes a time when the whole family went to Jerusalem. Jesus was about six weeks old. It was time for Mary to offer a pair of post-childbirth sacrifices at the temple. The usual offerings were a lamb and a pigeon (or maybe a dove). But instead Mary offered either "a pair of doves or two young pigeons." And that was okay, because there was a special allowance for families that couldn't afford a lamb. So Joseph and Mary and Jesus must have been poor—in the usual way.

I wonder what that meant for Jesus. I wonder what he experienced growing up poor.

One thing that often goes with poverty is food insecurity. Plenty of people go to bed hungry. Maybe you do. Did Jesus know that kind of hunger, the hunger that comes from not having enough food, that comes from being poor? Is that why he taught his disciples to pray for "daily bread"—because in his experience, hunger was never far away? I wonder.


Jesus, you know what it means to be poor and hungry. You know what some of us know very well, but that many of us can only imagine. No wonder we're hungry for you. Amen.


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