【双语灵修】耶稣是超级英雄? Jesus The Superhero?


【双语灵修】耶稣是超级英雄? Jesus The Superhero?


“这到底是谁,连风和海也听从他了。” - 可 4:41


耶稣也知道一些特殊的事:如坐在无花果树下的拿但业(约 1:50),撒玛利亚妇人的私人关系(约 4章),彼得即将到来的否认(可 14:30)。所有这些都远远超出了我们的认知和能力。所以我们认为,耶稣的神性一定会不时地穿越祂的人性而显出来。


当拿但业称耶稣为“神的儿子...以色列的王”,他的意思是耶稣是弥赛亚。撒玛利亚妇人也得出了同样的结论。弥赛亚的意思是“受膏者”。而这种膏抹是由神的圣灵带来的。同一位圣灵也膏抹了那些使食物倍增甚至使死人复活的先知(王上 17章;王下 4章)。

耶稣不是超级英雄。祂是一个人,既是神又是人。祂肩负圣灵赋予祂的使命。正如祂对自己家乡的人所说的那样:“主的灵在我身上……”。(路 4:18)。这已经足够“超级”了。



约翰福音 1:43-51


Jesus The Superhero?

"Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!" - Mark 4:41

Superheroes have superpowers: X-ray vision, shapeshifting, mind control. Sometimes we think of Jesus as a superhero. He does seem to have superpowers: multiplying loaves, stilling storms, even raising the dead.

Jesus also seems to have special knowledge: about Nathanael sitting under a fig tree (John 1:50), about a Samaritan woman's relationships (John 4), about Peter's upcoming denials (Mark 14:30). All of this is far beyond our abilities. So we figure that Jesus' divine nature must poke through his human nature from time to time.

But I wonder. Could it be that Jesus is able to do all of these things not because he is God but because he is a human being filled with the Holy Spirit?

When Nathanael calls Jesus "the Son of God . . . the king of Israel," he means Jesus is the Messiah. The Samaritan woman reaches the same conclusion. Messiah means "anointed one." And the anointing is by the Holy Spirit of God. The same Spirit anointed prophets who multiplied food supplies and even raised the dead (1 Kings 17; 2 Kings 4).

Jesus is not a superhero. He is a person, God and human, who has a full measure of the Holy Spirit empowering his mission. As he tells the people from his hometown: "The Spirit of the Lord is on me . . ." (Luke 4:18). That's super enough.


Jesus, we don't need superheroes. We have you. You save us from evil powers and even from our own sin. Thank you. Amen.


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