【双语灵修】神的面 The Face Of God


【双语灵修】神的面 The Face Of God


“脸面明亮如日头,衣裳洁白如光。” - 太 17:2

当摩西请求见神的容面时,神拒绝了他。没有人见到神的面而仍然存活。所以摩西不得不躲在石头后面,直到神越过他去(出 33:18-23)。

耶稣告诉祂的门徒们:“人看见了我,就是看见了父。”(约 14:9)。但祂说的不是看到父的形体。祂指的是祂自己的言行,祂的心和祂的灵都是天父的彰显。人们肉眼所能见的,只有耶稣的人性。从某种意义上说,祂的神性被隐藏在祂的人性表象之下。





路加福音 9:28-36


The Face Of God

"His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light." - Matthew 17:2

When Moses asked to see the glory of God, God said no. There was no way for anyone to see the glory of God's face and to live through it. So Moses had to hide behind a rock until God passed by (Exodus 33:18-23).

Jesus told his disciples, "Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father" (John 14:9). But he wasn't talking about seeing the Father physically. He meant that his own words and actions, his own heart and spirit, were a reflection of the Father. All that anyone could see physically when looking at Jesus was his humanity. His divinity was hidden, in a sense, underneath his humanity.

But one day, for a few moments on a mountain, Jesus' appearance changed. His clothes became as bright as white light. And his face "shone like the sun." His divine glory was shining from his body through his clothes. More than that, something like a veil was removed, so his face could be seen in all its glory. And of all people, Moses was there to see it.

The glory of God was fully present in Jesus. So Moses finally saw the face he had wanted to see so many years before. And one day, because of Jesus, we too will see the face of God. How wonderful!


Jesus, we want to know you, to love you, to follow you, to serve you, to see you. Open our hearts, our spirits, and our eyes to your presence. Amen.


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