【双语灵修】态度姿势 Attitude Posture

“因此,我在父面前屈膝…。” - 弗 3:14
我认为保罗在以弗所书也在告诉我们类似的信息。我们的心态姿势至关重要,尤其是我们祷告时的姿态。我们持什么态度?我们的身体呈现怎样的姿势?有时我们会采取跪下来的姿势,然而比这更重要的,是我们内心的态度。当我们凭信心把心思和意念交付给神时,我们开始明白我们在基督里的地位;我们知道我们已经出死入生、现今正与基督一同坐在天上(以弗所书 2:6)。这意味着我们可以行在讨神喜悦的生命路上,这样我们便能够站立得稳来抵挡那恶者了。

以弗所书 3:14-19
Attitude Posture
"For this reason I kneel before the Father. . . ." - Ephesians 3:14
A friend who is a chiropractor gave me some wonderful insight about attitude posture. He got it from an encounter with Dr. Plentz. Dr. Plentz said that when you stand in an upright position with your chest up and out, it not only improves your spinal-biomechanics and reduces stress on your disc joints, but it actually also improves your mood.
Picture an Olympic diver, in position and ready to dive. They are standing in the posture that directly reflects their mindset.
I think Paul is telling us something similar here in Ephesians. Our posture matters. It matters especially in our attitude of prayer. What is our mindset, and how are we positioned? Sometimes our posture in prayer may be about being on our knees, but even more important is the posture of our heart. When we submit our heart and our will to God in faith, we begin to understand our position in Christ. We know we have gone from death to life and are now seated with Christ in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). This means we can walk in a way of life that pleases God. And because of that, we can stand firm against the evil one.
As we align our spiritual mindset with our posture in prayer, we are ready to dive into the possibilities of life-giving conversation with God.
God, thank you for the opportunity to be courageous as we bow to you in prayer, knowing that as we submit to you, we are stepping into all that you have for us. Amen.

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