【双语灵修】意想不到 Beyond Imagination


【双语灵修】意想不到 Beyond Imagination


“神能 … 充充足足地成就一切,超过我们所求所想的。” - 弗 3:20







以弗所书 3:20-21


Beyond Imagination

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. . . ." - Ephesians 3:20

My grandson, who is eight years old (going on 40), and my mother, who is age 91, share an incredible bond of friendship that is quite wonderful and unique. Over the years as they have spent time together, they have excitedly planned fun things to do. One of these occasions was a trip to the circus. Charlie got his tickets at school and couldn't wait to get home to call and see if my mother was ready to go on their date. They arranged their limo ride (Grandpa), and with eyes wide with wonder they were thrilled to see the circus stars perform. The performance delivered more than they had imagined.

Ephesians aims to do the same and much more for us. Through Jesus, God has provided new life and amazing possibilities for us, and our Lord is able to do more than we could ever imagine in our wildest dreams. He knows every detail of our lives, and he knows the best life for us to live.

Today is a good day to sit and imagine with Jesus. Start with a Bible story you know, or read one that is new to you, and imagine what it was like to be there. What did God do? And what were the people around you doing?

Now imagine what your story today could look like. Invite Jesus into your activities today and expect to have your imagination stretched.


Dear God, we are thankful that your ways and thoughts are bigger than ours. Invite us into your plans today and help us imagine what is possible. Amen.


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