【双语灵修】神的应许 God's Promise

“‘你们必知道我是 … 耶和华你们的神,在我以外并无别神。’” - 珥2:27
很多年前,我作为“关心的母亲”(Mothers Who Care)的一个小组成员,与其他母亲们为我们子女就读学校的学生和老师祈祷。虽然我们后来搬了家,然而我知道我们已经撒了种,我们可以信靠神会叫种子结出果实的。

约珥书 2:21-27
God's Promise
"Then you will know that I am . . . the LORD your God, and that there is no other. . . ." - Joel 2:27
Sometimes God gives us clear signs of his work and presence in our lives. I often call them thin slices of heaven. They remind me of a breeze that suddenly blows through an open window and brings refreshment. There are times in our lives when God opens a window and gives encouragement, confirming exactly who he is.
Years ago, as part of a Mothers Who Care group, I prayed with other moms for the students and teachers in the school my kids attended. Though our family moved to another location later, I knew we had planted seeds and could trust God with the results.
Then, in another city 15 years later, as I worked in an outreach ministry at a local church, I met two of those former students in my group. Both had now started a relationship with Jesus. Both recognized me from the moms group from years earlier. We had prayed and expected Jesus to do great things, and he had worked in the lives of these young people. They embraced the love Jesus offered and were passing it along to others. As we embrace what God gives us and use it to bring the kingdom of God near to others, our lives also change.
In what ways has God presented you a thin slice of heaven and shown that he is God?
Thank you, God, for reminding us again that you are the Lord and you do great things. Help us to use the gifts you give us to share your love with others. In your name, Amen.

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