【双语灵修】神,你好! Hey, God


【双语灵修】神,你好! Hey, God


“你们在我身上所学习的、所领受的、所听见的、所看见的,这些事你们都要去行…。” - 腓4:9

多年前我读了一本名叫《你好,上帝!》的书,这本令人称奇的书是Frank Foglio的著作。它的封底载有以下的描述:“Foglio妈妈、她那暴躁的丈夫、和十个吵闹的孩子是贫穷人家。他们实在非常贫穷,甚至其他穷人也认为他们是贫穷的。有一天,主突然进入他们的生命中,祂差使另一个和他们一样贫穷、一样人丁旺盛和吵闹的意大利裔美国家庭闯进他们的家,并且在短暂相处中把福音传给他们。”这本书述说Foglio妈妈怎样开始明白和倚靠她天上的父亲的丰盛。这个有力的见证让我们看到,当我们开始祷告把焦虑交给神时,会发生什么事。





腓立比书 4:4-9


Hey, God

"Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice." - Philippians 4:9

Many years ago I read an incredible book called Hey God by Frank Foglio. The back cover gives this description: "Mama Foglio, her cantankerous husband, and ten rambunctious kids were poor. In fact, they were so poor that the poor people called them poor. Then one day the Lord burst into their lives, in the form of another, equally poor, equally large and tumultuous Italian–American family that stormed into their home and evangelized them mano a mano." The book shows how Mama Foglio began to understand the riches of her spiritual Father and to rely on them. It is a powerful witness of what happens when we hand our anxiety over to God and begin to pray.

There are times when anxiety or fear can be paralyzing, and even though we know that to be true, we still go down that path. I love it that Paul, from a prison cell, reminds us to stay focused on the Lord and "rejoice always." He reminds us that conversation with God is important. He reminds us that we are a witness to others when we learn to lean on God rather than our anxieties. He also reminds us to remind ourselves of what is true: God's provision is always ours.

As we change our thinking, we remember that through Jesus we have full access to the Father, who hears all our requests and gives us all that we need. And we inherit his peace, which "transcends all understanding."


Lord, we rejoice that you are always with us. Thank you for peace and for all the riches you give us. Amen.


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