【双语灵修】Wow!把荣耀归与神 Wow! Glory To God

“那在基督里坚固我们和你们,并且膏我们的就是神。” - 林后 1:21

哥林多后书 1:18-22
Wow! Glory To God
"It is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us. . . ." - 2 Corinthians 1:21
I have a wooden "Christmas" tree that stays up all year in my living room. After the Christmas season, because it is a flat tree with shelves, it is my tree of wisdom, and on each shelf there is a sign with an inspiring, clever saying on it. For example, "Sing like no one is listening"; "Dance like no one is watching"; "Love like you have never been hurt before"; "Live like heaven begins tomorrow"; "We do second chances"; and "Today I need a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus."
My favorite chair sits beside the tree, and when people enter my house, they usually notice the tree and comment on it. The signs remind me to smile or pray or appreciate something about our life, our story, and our family.
I am thankful that 2 Corinthians reminds us of who God is. God's promises are sealed with the "Yes" of his love for us in Jesus. God's "Amen" ("So be it") is to his glory. He has affirmed us as his own, and through the Holy Spirit he has given us full, new life. There is no waffling on God's part. God's "Yes" is always "Yes."
Let this be a "Wow!" thought for your day. God is completing in you what he started.
Dear God, thank you for equipping us to stand firm. Thank you for working in us so that your glory can be seen. Thank you for the "Wow!" factors in your promises. Amen.

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