【双语灵修】英雄人物 Heroes

“就当遵〔基督耶稣〕而行,在他里面生根建造,信心坚固,正如你们所领的教训,感谢的心也更增长了。” - 西 2:6-7
每当到了这个时候,我们园子里的苹果树已变得光秃秃、似乎再无生机。它们僵直地站着,只能为栖息在它们树枝上的鸟儿提供少许荫蔽。我向望来年春天时长出第一批粉红色花朵的时刻 - 和随之而来的果子。在冬天时,尽管我不太看好这些树的状况,但它们里面其实是仍然有生命力的。

歌罗西书 2:1-7
"Continue to live your lives in [Christ Jesus], rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." - Colossians 2:6-7
At this time of year, the apple trees in our yard are barren and seemingly have no life in them. They stand frozen, offering little more than a bit of shelter for the birds that land on their branches. I think ahead to when the first pink blossoms will appear in spring—and the fruit that will follow. It's wonderful, though, that even as I pass judgment on the trees in winter, there is still life inside.
Maybe you have read (or heard of) the book by Brother Lawrence called The Practice of the Presence of God. Don't let the size of the book fool you. Though small in its number of pages, it is rich in wisdom.
Brother Lawrence, a friar who is one of my heroes, came to realize that wherever he was, it was a good place to connect with God, for God is everywhere. Because of God's presence, even places where Lawrence had felt empty and worthless became rich with a sense of belonging. His place in the monastery where he lived was the kitchen. There he learned to cook meals, do dishes, and run errands with God. What seemed a lowly position to others became a retreat and a haven of relationship with God. The kitchen became Lawrence's sanctuary, where he worshiped in spirit and in truth.
Where is your sanctuary?
Dear God, remind us that you are with us everywhere and are worthy of our worship. Thank you for including us in your plans for the day. Amen.

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