【双语灵修】良善的力量 The Power Of Kindness


【双语灵修】良善的力量 The Power Of Kindness


“心里的苦闷,压垮人心;美善的话语,使心欢喜。” - 箴言12:25 标准译本




耶稣在谈到生活中的忧虑时,祂向门徒们保证,天父知道他们所有的需要,并会看顾他们。耶稣说:“你们要先求他的国和他的义,这些东西都要加给你们了。所以,不要为明天忧虑,因为明天自有明天的忧虑”(太 6:33-34)。这些美好的话对我们也适用。它带给我们自由,让我们把未来交托给神,不被焦虑压垮。




箴言 12:25


The Power Of Kindness

"Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up." - Proverbs 12:25

Today there seems to be so much restlessness in people's hearts and lives. People everywhere are stressed. Anxious. Quick to speak out their opinions. Finances are in question. Organizations are getting more complaints and anger from people than ever before.

When we catch up on the daily news, it can be overwhelming to see how many issues and problems there are in the world. There are so many things that can cause anxiety.

All of these difficulties and worries weigh down the heart. We may not always realize their impact, but the more we dwell on our anxieties, the less free we feel.

When Jesus spoke about the worries of life, he assured his followers that their Father in heaven knew all about their needs and would take care of them. "Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness," Jesus said, "and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself" (Matthew 6:33-34). These kind words apply to us as well. They offer us the freedom to live by trusting God with our future so that we don't get weighed down by anxiety.

Is there a fear or anxiety that you might need to surrender to God today? When we surrender our worries to him, we become more able to share his love and kindness with others, which can truly move mountains for someone who is weighed down by anxiety.


Loving God, free me from anxiety so that I can show the kindness and love of Jesus to others around me. Amen.


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