【双语灵修】神的世界与核战 God’s World And Nuclear Warfare


【双语灵修】神的世界与核战 God’s World And Nuclear Warfare


“地和其中所充满的,世界和住在其间的,都属耶和华。” - 诗 24:1

在1983年,美国电视广播公司放影了美国历史上位列最高收视率电影榜中的一部影片,在首次放影时,有超过一千万人收看。他们又提供给罗纳德. 雷根总统和他的军事统帅们提前观看的机会。

这部电影就是核战之后(The Day After)- 一个虚构的故事,关于一场美国和苏联之间的战事,这场战事最终升级为全面性的核战。







诗篇 24:1-2


God’s World And Nuclear Warfare

"The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. . . ." - Psalm 24:1

In 1983 the ABC television network carried one of the highest-rated TV movies in United States history. More than 100 million people watched the initial broadcast. President Ronald Reagan and his military chiefs were given an advance screening.

It was the movie The Day After—a fictional story about a military conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union that escalates into a full-scale nuclear war.

In 1987 The Day After was shown on Soviet TV. I remember watching it as a teenager. It terrified millions of viewers and had a profound impact on attitudes toward nuclear weapons.

Today the talk about potential nuclear strikes is back. But much of the fear seems to be gone. Curiously, many people seem more concerned about the dangers of peaceful nuclear energy than about the threat of a nuclear conflict.

The Bible teaches that we should not murder. Human life is priceless. The Bible also calls us to care for God’s creation. This world belongs to God, and we are its stewards.

Seeing God’s workmanship fills our hearts with praise and thanksgiving. It also partially reveals God to us and encourages us to seek him further. What a terrible sin it would be for humanity to destroy the earth in a nuclear holocaust.


Lord, thank you for this world and the life you give us. Help us to care for and to guard human life and all the rest of your creation. Amen.


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