【双语灵修】拆毁了中间的墙 Breaking Down The Barriers

“他使我们和睦,将两下合而为一,拆毁了中间 … 的墙。” - 弗 2:14
Anton的疑问触及一个热点话题。人类彼此之间的隔阂似乎与日俱增了,人与人之间的关系出现了无处不在的隔阂。文化、种族、语言、宗教、政治,经济 - 有很多事物把我们分隔开,令我们彼此为敌。

以弗所书 2:14-18
Breaking Down The Barriers
"He himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier. . . ." - Ephesians 2:14
Anton reached out to our media team with some challenging questions: “Where is God when different races and ethnic groups are fighting? Why is he doing nothing to stop the hatred?”
Anton’s inquiry touches on a hot topic. Humanity seems to be getting more fractured day by day. Barriers are popping up here and there and everywhere. Culture, race, language, religion, politics, the economy—so many things separate us and often pit us against each other.
Political scientists are talking about the rapid balkanization of our world. This term refers to the Balkan States in eastern Europe that divided into several small nations in the late 20th century. It points to the breakup of a large region or state into smaller entities that are hostile to one another.
In our Bible reading today, we are reminded that Jesus miraculously broke down the wall of hostility between Jews and Gentiles. Jesus, “our peace,” creates one humanity out of distinct groups. This unification happens because of our reconciliation with God through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.
If we want to promote peace in our communities, we need to remember that reconciliation starts with Jesus. He has restored our relationship with God the Father, and he calls us to be reconciled with one another.
Lord Jesus, guide us in bringing our diverse communities closer. Help us to discover that reconciliation happens through believing in and following you. Amen.

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