【双语灵修】没有耶稣,没有平安 No Jesus, No Peace

“‘我留下平安给你们,我将我的平安赐给你们。’” - 约 14:27
对我来说,英语最吸引人的魅力之一就是它的同音异义字 - 同音但拼写和意思不同的字。以下这句话就是使用同音异义的一个好例子:“没有(no)耶稣,没有(no)平安 - 认识(know)耶稣,认识(know)平安。”

约翰福音 14:23-27
No Jesus, No Peace
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you." - John 14:27
To me, one of the fascinating things about the English language is homonyms—words that sound the same but have a different spelling and meaning. A good example of a homonym phrase is in the saying “No Jesus, no peace—know Jesus, know peace.”
Besides being a catchphrase for a t-shirt or bumper sticker, this statement reflects a profound biblical truth. In tumultuous times we long for peace, but without Jesus such inner harmony is impossible.
In today’s passage Jesus calls on all who love him to obey his teaching. This obedience comes as a direct result of knowing Jesus and fellowshipping with him. The Holy Spirit comes into our lives in order to keep us securely grounded in the teaching of Jesus.
The peace that Jesus promises is much more than a wish for an end to war, or even for emotional calm and quiet. Rather, it brings an inner tranquility and harmony rooted in the very essence of our caring Savior.
The power of the peace that Jesus gives us is such that we don’t have to be troubled or scared. Regardless of what may be happening in our lives, we can be at peace because we know that the love of Jesus is always stronger.
Father, we praise you for peace that we can enjoy in your Son, Jesus Christ. In his name we pray. Amen.

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