【双语灵修】福音的扼要 The Gospel In A Nutshell


【双语灵修】福音的扼要 The Gospel In A Nutshell


“神爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们 …。” - 约 3:16



今天我们特别关注的这节经文,大概是圣经中最广为人知的经文 - 约翰福音3:16。这节经文被称为“福音的概要,”因为它概述了神为我们所作的一切。然而,在世界上某些地方,由于这节经文已是耳熟能详了,以致人们会忽略了它更深邃的内涵而视其为理所当然。

对那些意识到自己需要神的人来说,这节经文份外宝贵,就像一个在饥荒中捱饿的人得到了一块面包那样宝贵。父神因着对人类的爱,差遣衪的独生爱子来拯救我们。凡相信衪的,都被拯救脱离死亡和毁灭 - 他们都“不致灭亡,反得永生。”




约翰福音 3:16-17


The Gospel In A Nutshell

"God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son. . . ." - John 3:16

The siege of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) was one of the longest and deadliest sieges in recorded history. During World War II, Nazi forces held the city hostage for over two years, severely disrupting supply lines. This resulted in a terrible famine, and over 800,000 civilians died.

People who survived the siege no longer took their daily bread for granted. Even years later, they would feel anxious about food shortages and sometimes resort to hoarding. They would also get really upset when they saw food wasted or played with.

Today we are focusing on what is probably the most famous verse in the Bible—John 3:16. It has been called “the gospel in a nutshell” because it summarizes all that God has done for us. But in some parts of the world this verse has become so familiar that its profound meaning is sometimes overlooked or taken for granted.

To people who are aware of their need for God, this text is as valuable as a loaf of bread to a victim of famine. Propelled by his love for humanity, God the Father sent his one and only Son to save us. Now those who believe in him are saved from death and destruction—they “shall not perish.”

Let us treasure this truth every moment of our lives!


Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your Son to save us. Knowing Jesus puts our hearts at peace. Help us to live a life of thanksgiving for your salvation! Amen.


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